What to Wear
Our church family comes together with no formal dress code. Some
enjoy the opportunity to dress up formally while others prefer the
comfort of the casual clothes they wear every day. You are welcome
to come as you are, with no expectation for anything else!
Service Time
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30am every week.
Our adult and children's Sunday school classes begin at 9:45am
every week.
Upon Arrival
If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you
or have you stand up. Do expect to be greeted by people in our
congregation, who are happy that you are with us! We know that
many people want to check out the church and that's fine with us!
Any one of our ushers and greeters will gladly answer any
questions you have concerning where to go, where the bathrooms
are, where the nursery is, etc.
The Service
At the beginning of our service we spend time worshiping the Lord
while singing some traditional and contemporary praise songs that
glorify the Lord. We like to incorporate scripture into the
service as much as possible. We may read and briefly look at
several scriptures and have the congregation participate in prayer
that is based on the scripture. No one is obligated to
The Message
Every week our Pastor or guest speaker have a message to share
with the congregation. Our bulletins provide a space for you to
take notes concerning the message and any other supplemental
information for the message. Each message is thoughtfully and
prayerfully prepared and we hope it will result in challenging you
to discover God and His love for you in your life!
The Kids
Every Sunday we offer Nursery care for 0-2 year olds and Sunday
School for ages 5-11.
Following The Service
When the service concludes, you are welcome to stay and fellowship
over coffee and snacks. Before you leave, we encourage you to
introduce yourself to our pastor. We love to meet and greet our