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The Value Of Wisdom

When we have wisdom, we are able to discern what is right and just, and we are able to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence. Wisdom brings joy and satisfaction to our lives.

The LORD Is My Shepherd - PSALM 23

As we reflect on the entirety of Psalm 23, we are reminded that the Lord is truly our Shepherd, guiding us through life's valleys, providing for us in the midst of adversity, and showering us with His goodness and mercy. By trusting in the Lord and finding rest in His presence, we can experience the transformative power of His love and character in our lives. Let us continue to seek His guidance and embrace the peace that comes from dwelling in His presence.

The LORD Is My Shepherd (1)

A message of finding rest in the Lord and understanding that He is the One making the changes in our lives to build us up in His character.

The LORD Is My Shepherd (2)

We continue through the end of Psalm 23, shifting now with the Psalmist as he goes from speaking about God, to speaking to God, drawing us into an eternal perspective and deeper relationship with Him.


When the Bible talks about stewardship, it's basically saying that God has given us all these things - like our time, talents, and possessions - and it's our job to take care of them. We should use them responsibly, ethically, and in a way that honors God and helps others. In other words, we're like caretakers for all the things God has given us, and we're responsible for how we use them.

Stewardship 101

Stewardship is an essential aspect of our Christian walk, as it reflects our responsibility to wisely manage the resources, talents, and opportunities that God has entrusted to us. In Matthew 25:23, Jesus commends the faithful servant for wisely investing his master's resources. In today's message, we will explore the concept of stewardship and how we can become good and faithful servants in our daily lives.

Stewardship - The Spirit

Stewardship of the Spirit calls us to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit within us and to actively participate in our spiritual growth and transformation. By nurturing our relationship with God, developing spiritual disciplines, and serving others, we can become good and faithful servants in the Lord's kingdom. Let us strive to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" by taking responsibility for the spiritual gifts and fruits God has entrusted to us and sharing them with the world.

Stewardship - Emotions

Emotional stewardship is an essential part of our Christian walk, as it impacts our relationship with God and others. By acknowledging our emotions, seeking God's guidance, and implementing healthy emotional habits, we can become good and faithful servants in every aspect of our lives. Let us strive to hear Jesus' commendation, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" by responsibly managing our emotions and using them to bring glory to God and edification to others.

Stewardship - Relationship

Relational stewardship is a vital aspect of our Christian journey, as it influences our connection with God and our interactions with others. By nurturing our relationship with God, building healthy connections, and engaging in fellowship and accountability, we can become good and faithful servants in our relational lives. Let us strive to hear Jesus' commendation, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" by investing in our relationships and reflecting God's love and grace in all our interactions.

Stewardship - Intellect

Intellectual stewardship involves recognizing the value of our minds in our relationship with God and using our intellectual abilities in ways that honor Him and serve others. By nurturing our relationship with God through our intellect, developing a Christ-centered mindset, and using our minds to benefit others, we can become good stewards of our intellectual gifts. Let us strive to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to use our intellect for His glory and the edification of others.

Stewardship - Vocation

Our vocation plays a significant role in our lives, and as Christians, we are called to be good stewards of our work, honoring God and serving others through our professional endeavors. In Colossians 3:12-17, Paul reminds us to clothe ourselves with virtues that reflect Jesus' character, impacting our workplace with a Christ-centered attitude and approach. Today's message will explore the importance of vocational stewardship and offer guidance on how to honor God in our workplaces.

Stewardship - Physical Health And Wellness

Our physical health and wellness play a significant role in our overall well-being and our walk with Christ. The Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and as such, we are called to honor God by taking care of our physical health (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Today's message will explore the importance of prioritizing health and wellness in our lives and provide practical steps to make a difference in this area of our Christian journey.

Stewardship - Our Resources

Stewardship is the responsible management of resources that are entrusted to us, including our time, talents, possessions, and finances. The Bible teaches us that everything ultimately belongs to God, and we are merely stewards of His creation.